woooo.. - 5:07 PM
well i've done 2 interviews, and left with 1. and the experience of going through one isn't fun at all. since they are always conducted in the afternoon, and the last 2 i've been were out of london, that means waking up at un-earthly hours such as 5am to prepare and stuff, squeeze with the working crowd on the tubes and take trains that last almost an hour to reach the university by 12. =S and by the time i reach there, i'm too nervous to eat anything. well anyway i've completely screwed 1, and the other one was ok, though they accept 18 international students only. hahaha how much slimer can the chances get. and i'd noe the results abt the same time as A levels i suppose. ahh well, enough of the boring stuff.. it snowed on the day of the 2nd interview!
we took a train to Paris. the architecture in paris is really nice, and all the mona-lisa's and the cathedrals and Versailles. though we almost got pickpocket. which was really scary. it was a really lucky escape for us. and oh ya, the bread is really nice! hahaha which means, i've eaten alot and i think i've grown fatter =( well, i think its been muchly anticipated already.
i don't noe what else to blog already. i guess thats how mundane my life is. haha, in a way i'm really looking forward to coming back and going out with friends and slacking around.. =S
Sunday, January 21, 2007
interesting. - 2:39 AM
so on thusday, i had a bowl of very disgusting fishball noodles which looked like elastic bands for dinner before hanging around at popeyes buried under the wave of swipes i was receiving. hahaha well anw, i heard they had a good laugh at me seeing me squeeze through the self service immigration thing. hahaha well anw thanx to those who came down to send me off and all the messages i received from everyone! =D
erm, i slept for 6 hours, watched Borat [HAHAHA, might as well grab the opportunity since its R21 =D], half of Pirates of the Carribean, half of Fast Food nation. hahaha finally after the 13 hour flight, arrived to realise that our connecting flight was cancelled coz of the storm over europe the night before! omg that was quite scary. i can't imagine how things would have been if i was travelling alone or travelling with oi alone for that matter. well anw turns out that they alr arranged and put us on the earlier flight so everything was ok. well arrived at the airport and met a VERY VERY friendly immigration officer who lived near our hotel and was telling us where to visit and all. which lasted till all the passengers on that plane had cleared immigration =S went outside to collect our baggage to realise 1 luggage was missing! [i mean how much more stuff can actually happen after having ur flight cancelled!] well checked with the counter and she said "yupp, 1 baggage didn't make it on that flight, so i guess that should be urs!" i mean like wow, not exactly quite trustworthy rite? and we were on their local carrier! so they said they'd have it delievered to our hotel around afternoon as the luggage would be sent via the noon flight. erm i guess their noon meant for the luggage to reach the hotel at 9.30pm?????? hahaha well, that basically marks the end of a very long and very weird journey. hahahahah
didn't do much today. Oi went out for sightseeing, i went out for lunch with my family, and was enticed by the Krispy Kreme shop at the tube station!!!!!!!! hahahaha its not as good as the one at Knightsbridge coz they actually bake it there but i'm not complaining. wanted to get like half a dozen coz we all weren't that hungry after a huge portion of lunch [i ate finish the entire meal which included like potatoes and veg!!!!! i guess its the cargo compartment for me on my return flight], but apparently, you pay like just 1 more pound and you get a dozen! [how to not grow fat!] there's the original glazed ones, maple glazed ones, cream filled, strawberry, cinnamon and apple, vanilla, chocolate with cream etc.
oh yes, hahaha i didn't only look at food. i was walking along Regent street and there's like sales at most places like Zara, Gap, and alot of other branded shops. so its like i walk in, i see winter clothes, den i look at the price and x3, and den i turn and walk out =S
so yes, i'm at my sis house using the internet while my parents went back to the hotel. i'm damn tired but i'm trying not to fall asleep to rid myself off jet-lagged mode by monday.
ok back to more research =( [this will definitely put me to sleep]
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
tired. - 12:50 AM
there's just too many things to settle, to worry about, to hide, to accomplish.
but, i know i can get through this.
somehow, someday.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
endurance. - 10:58 PM
i can't even really remember what happened already. just that currently, i should be staying at home.coz the amount of stuff i have to do is.....
-settle admin stuff.
-do some reading up [no actually, alot of reading up on many issues]
-do alot of soul searching, asking myself for answers, preparing myself for the questions that are going to be asked.
-revise for btt.
-going out and spending money.
-bade farewell to those who were enlisting in Jan. [dinner + chalet]
-sort of gave tuition for 4.5 hours [but its not a permanent thing, so you could say i'm in between being jobless and having a job, haha.]
-went for some australian university fair
-shopped at G2000 for more sets of suits to wear
-went for my e-trial test
-went for service.
-went for vera's farewell.
-spend time with mom.
-baking cookie session. [or at least its supposed to be. not sure whether what we bake can be called a cookie lol.]
-meet up with friends.
-pri school gathering.
- thurs - off by 11.05pm.
yupp, thats all i guess.
don't quit. endurance.

Friday, January 05, 2007
ok finally, back to blogging. - 9:15 PM
hahaha well essentially, being jobless + broke = PATHETIC
so erm since the last time i blogged, christmas and the new year has passed! hahaha ok, really late but, Merry Christmas and Happy 2007 to everyone. well 2006 was, fine enough. essentially same as 2005, just take out some fun and put in more studying. actually i should say 2006 holds one major milestone in my life. i sure do hope i'll always remember it.
k and my sis came back from vacation and went back alr! haha. went to hk for vacation. it's been many many years since we last went on a holiday together! so yupp, it was fun.
- FOOD WAS GREAT! [no, that was an understatement] we ate like dim sum twice, and had dessert everynight [and the shop is called Honeymoon -_-], and egg tarts and lao po bing etc etc
- sights were quite nice. the scenery from The Peak was nice both in the day and at night. we sat the Star Ferry from both sides of the harbour just for fun. erm sat the xiao ba too, and i'd say the drivers there drive fast.
- shopping is good if you have the money [which we don't]. so didn't shop much, besides spending the entire afternoon at the esprit outlet shop.
- flight was good. we got upgraded to business class, TWICE! =D how much luckier can we get!
ok, den new year came. celebrated new year at the Breakout party. it was fun, besides the fact that i was seriously underdressed =(
and yeah, basically after new year's day, my days have been spent watching Grey's Anatomy. [i'm hooked. i watch till 3 every morning] but i've finished season 1 and 2 in abt just more than a week, and have no idea how i'm going to lay hands on season 3.
and i went out today. which equates to spending money. well, that isn't a problem if i'm actually earning money, BUT I'M NOT! and i realised my money went into buying stuff which i think i may not use even. argh!!!!
and err, i have to start studying for my BTT, if i want to pass it =S
signing off.